LINE Friends

For my software engineering course ICS 314, I had to recreate a webpage of my choosing using Bootstrap. At this time, we recently began learning about frameworks and how to use Bootstrap to create web pages. To make learning fun, I chose to recreate the LINE Friends Store About page, as I think the LINE Friends characters are fun and cute. I recreated the web page from scratch using Bootstrap’s predefined classes like Navbar and Container as well as Bootstrap Icons.

Here is a side-by-side comparison of my recreated page and the real website.

Original LINE Friends About Page Recreation LINE Friends About Page

At the time of recreating the LINE Friends Store About page, I had a small introduction to Bootstrap before creating the web page. However, recreating a web page of my choice allowed me to have a hands-on learning experience and figure out how to use different Bootstrap features on my own. Although it was difficult to recreate the web page since I was a newbie to Bootstrap, it was also a rewarding experience to learn how to create this specific page from scratch.

My struggles helped me later on in ICS 314 when I had to complete a final project with a few classmates. In my final project, Manoa Study Abroad Central, I heavily relied on Bootstrap to create the layout of the different pages. On the landing and home page, I used Bootstrap Icons to make the page appear aesthetically pleasing and used pre-defined Bootstrap classes to format text and images on different pages.